EYFS幼儿园 | First Week Back To School 开学第一周“快乐多巴胺”

At the start of the new semester, Xiamen Chiway-Repton Kindergarten smoothly entered its first week of school. The newly enrolled children, under the patient guidance of the teachers, began to adapt to the new environment, while theK2 and K3 students overcame “holiday syndrome,” transitioning and establishing self-directed learning habits in preparation for a more enriching inquiry-based learning this semester. In this week, the children quickly immersed themselves in collective life. Let’s look back through the lens of the “dopamine” happy moments of the first week of school!

Orientation Day 迎新日

“On 30th August, With the gentle breeze of early autumn and warm sunlight, a group of lively and adorable kids arrived as scheduled, welcoming the long-awaited kindergarten adventure.
At the Orientation Day which ended last week, students and their parents came to the campus to listen to the  Principals, to meet their teachers and classmates, and to learn about all aspects of campus life, so as to be well-prepared for the start of the new academic year.

Flag raising ceremony升旗仪式

“In the new semester, we’re opening the doors to new dreams and welcoming fresh hopes. On the morning of  31st August , the kindergarten held a solemn flag-raising ceremony. Facing the morning sun, amidst the majestic national anthem, the bright five-starred red flag rose slowly. All the kids and teachers in the audience stood at attention.”

The First Week of PreK

“The little moments of the first week in PreK: Today, this group of precious PreK kids took their first steps into kindergarten, embarking on this colourful journey of collective living. From initial strangers to active participants. They ate fruit, played with toys, sang songs, danced, and played games. The teachers introduced them to different play areas and rules, and everything went smoothly. Despite a little rain on the second day, the children remained cheerful, and friendships were quickly forming. During their exploration time, clay handprints and the adventures of Peppa Pig filled their learning with joy. Even in this short week, we’ve already witnessed the growth journey of these children.”

The First Week of K1

In K1, Teacher Minnie and the children have a great time playing together. Since the kids are quite young, adjusting to a new environment and meeting new people can be a bit challenging for them. For K1 kids, their common challenges include getting familiar with the surroundings, making new friends, and easing into the separation anxiety. Even before entering Teacher’sWendy class, we could hear the excited voices of children, showing that they are  raeady .  Teacher Sam used the colors of their clothes to organize them in a line for outdoor activities.

The First Week of K2

暑假过后,中班的孩子们都长高了许多,也学会了更多更厉害的本领,“我们是幼儿园里的哥哥姐姐了!”这是来自中大班哥哥姐姐的自豪感。回到熟悉又陌生的幼儿园,难掩满心欢喜。熟悉的是身边的同伴、热情的老师、宽敞的操场还有最爱的滑梯;陌生的是变动的班级,教室的环境,这些都告诉他们“我长大了”。充满激情的Chani老师,使用“I am going to use my”句式和灵活的肢体语言,向孩子们介绍并理解幼儿园和班级的规则;Jacky老师则在教孩子如何与同伴、老师进行有效沟通和互动的方式方法。
 “After the summer break, the children in the K2 class have grown taller and learned new skills. They proudly say, ‘We’re the big brothers and sisters in kindergarten now!’ Returning to the familiar yet slightly different kindergarten, they find joy in their friends, enthusiastic teachers, and the playground they love. The changing classes and classroom environment remind them that they’ve grown up.”Teacher chani using the “I am going to use my” sentence structure and flexible body language, introduces and helps children understand the rules of the kindergarten and the classroom. Jacky teacher, on the other hand, teaches children effective ways to communicate and interact with peers and teachers.

The First Week of K3

“We’ve moved up a grade! From K1 to K2, and now fromK2 to K3 . In the new semester, we’re determined to work even harder, learn more skills, and become great role models for our younger siblings. Let’s leave behind the footprints of our growth together. Promotion fills the children with joy and pride!”This week, we had exciting community exploration activities where teachers helped children understand various aspects of the community, fostering their curiosity and desire for knowledge. In our new K3 environment, we’ll continue guiding the children to ensure they establish a strong foundation for their elementary school journey.

“Growth is filled with laughter, and every moment is unique. Reuniting with long-lost friends, warm hugs are filled with deep affection. Playing with favorite building blocks together is the best of times. Sharing summer vacation stories, even the air is filled with joy”

“NO Border Classroom”无边界教室

In this academic year, we’ve introduced a new classroom concept called the “NO Border Classroom,” where learning isn’t limited by age or location. After just one week, we’ve seen children gradually adapting to this innovative learning environment. Some observant kids have even discovered various spaces for world cultures, performing arts, construction play, sensory thinking, and cultural drama around them. Their curiosity and thirst for knowledge are growing. Through the NO Border Classroom experience, children will develop a deeper international perspective, foster cross-cultural understanding, and enhance problem-solving skills, setting a solid foundation for their future learning and growth.

At Xiamen Chiway-Repton Kindergarten, we highly prioritize each student’s individual goals and growth, paying close attention to their personalized learning needs. As the new academic year begins, we are filled with confidence and eagerly anticipate the children actively exploring the world within our kindergarten, striving for excellence, and making positive changes in the world. Let’s play our way into the future and engage in thoughtful discussions about the world! We sincerely appreciate your continuous support in creating a warm, safe, and loving environment for our children to grow.