EYFS幼儿园| 打开秋天的正确方式,大手拉小手一起去秋游

The leaves change in Autumn, the breeze blows in slowly, every leaf falls from the trees, in different shapes and different colors. This represents the uniqueness of Autumn, and its intense colors and spirit. What can children do to preserve this?

K3 Greece


Collect Autumn and put it in a basket



With creative minds, design different shapes for the baskets.With skillful hands, pick up golden leaves.Decorate a basket full of leaves to collect Autumn,

And take it home with you.

K2 Madagascar


Look for traces of Autumn





When you look up, you can see butterflies flying, and when you look down, you can find ants walking.You can feel the texture of tree bark and hear the chirping of birds.To hear, to see, to feel; we use our senses to look for different traces of Autumn.

Children find happiness in simple things, like making a train with friends, and wearing a funny hat!

K1 England


Autumn in a picture frame

几根枯枝,用绳子绑成喜欢的形状,粘上透明胶带,随心粘上秋天的花草叶,将秋天留着相框里。K1 England的小朋友和爸爸妈妈们共同制作的树枝相框,孩子们天马行空,随心粘贴喜欢的植物,享受秋天给予我们的自然美景。
A few dead branches are made into a picture frame with string, Autumn leaves and flowers are glued down with tape. The children can keep Autumn in a picture. The children from K1 England and their parents made the picture frames together, and the children decorated them by attaching their favorite plants and flowers. Through this, they can enjoy the natural beauty of Autumn.

K1 Rwanda


Leaf bubbles






Fallen leaves are the best gifts for children in late Autumn.The leaves fall slowly and can be used in many different ways.The children collected leaves, and blew bubbles through them, adding more colors to the world around them.

The children saw the bubbles flying, and their faces lit up with happiness. Children enjoy bubbles!




Collect treasures from nature


Pre K的宝贝们通过拾起落叶,感知季节的变换。



Pre-K’s babies can identify the changing of the seasons through the collecting of fallen leaves. They turned these leaves into bookmarks, to highlight the joy of Autumn in every day.



 When an amusement park meets a picnic






If happiness has a shape, it must be an amusement park.If happiness has a smell, it must be the scent of a picnic.Sports time, moments of energy, somersaults, obstacle jumps, hill climbs, beanbags – all of them are not to be missed.

During the parent-child games, everyone had a lot of fun!

At lunchtime, meals were both nutritious and beautiful to look at. Sandwiches, hot dogs, pastry puffs, fruit platters, milk and juice.

The sky was high and the wind was clear, and the children were happy from head to toe.

At this age, the children still believe in fairy tales, and with days like these, they can enjoy this fairy tale world to the fullest.





Embrace Autumn,

Enjoy a happy childhood with your friends,

Savor happy moments with Mom and dad.

Let us find beauty in all the things around us and continue to look for the traces of Autumn!